John Beppu

last modified: June 21, 2005

John Beppu is JustAnotherPerlHacker. Currently, he is stranded in Utah, but he hopes to be back in California within a year. Let it be said, however, that the people in Utah have been very good to him, and that he is very grateful for the chance he's been given to prove himself.

Time passes... and it is now 2003. He's been back in California for a while, now, and amazing things have happened since then. Coming back to California wasn't the pleasant experience that he had expected it to be. In fact, he hit bottom in a relatively short amount of time after his arrival from Utah. The contrast from the happy person who had come from Utah to the depressed person was sickening, but the seed for a miraculous healing had been planted in Utah. (Thanks, Jinah!)

One day, he was so sad and ashamed of himself that he cried more violently than he had ever cried in his life, but when he was done crying, something inside of him had changed. The next day, he did a lot of soul searching, and thoughts were coming to his mind at a highly accelerated pace. His whole life was being reviewed, but instead of beating himself up over the mistakes he has made as he usually does, he was forgiving himself. He was having profound thoughts, that he regretfully doesn't remember very much of - ideas were just coming so fast, and all I could do was be amazed and keep thinking more.

And then, the most beautiful thought occurred to him. For a good portion of his life, JohnBeppu was slightly embarrassed by his Japanese name, Satoshi. It means wisdom, but he sincerely felt that his parents chose an ill-fitting name for him - he felt like he was anything but wise. However, due to the thoughts he was having that day, he thought to himself, "Finally... I'm living up to my name," and at that very moment, 14 years of pain and suffering vanished in the blink of an eye. Replacing it was an overwhelming feeling of pure love, and he cried in joy and gratitude, because for the first time in his life, he knew the meaning of UnconditionalLove.

John is a firm believer in FreeSoftware, because it promotes cooperation and good will. He's glad that he lives in a time where one can make a living writing and supporting Free Software. He also thanks all those who came before him who made this possible, and he hopes he can continue their legacy. RichardStallman is a good man.

So far, my contributions to Free Software are as follows:

Significant contributions to other people's projects:

Minor patches:

My own projects:

Mostly, I like having FunWithPerl, but I am also proficient in /bin/sh, C, and x86 assembly. In the future, I would like to work ObjectiveCee and ObjectiveCaml into the mix. I'd also like to start dabbling in audio programming.

What I'd really like to do is take long extended breaks off work so that I can werk on my own projects more. I could see myself in a spacious house overlooking the sea on the Central Coast of California... coding by night, sleeping and enjoying the outdoors by day... ahhhhhh.

So how do I get from here to there??? Instead of being BurntOut.

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