Joe Young

last modified: August 9, 2001

Well, here it is, the ubiquitous HomePage.

Guess if I'm going to play well with others, I want to make myself available for comment. I'm unsure if I trust the whole 'delete it if the spirit moves you approach to wiki, but I'm intrigued. Leave questions and comments here.

Helpful information about JoeYoung:

Well, around here we like to see RealNamesPlease.

Curiously, there does not seem to be a consensus on this. I understand the nature of the suggestion, but prefer to retain a level a anonymity. I could post in a totally anonymous fashion (for example, the comment I am responding to), but I want to held responsible for what I say. Having a "username" seems to me to be a logical middle ground.

Skills, interests, etc.

More to come and edits planed as I worry out this curiously archaic markup.

Wow, the AddYourName mechanism is pretty cludgy for a technically oriented site. (Sorry, couldn't help myself. :) )

