Jesse Millikan

last modified: October 7, 2011

Young, professional programmer without a college degree, from central Indiana. I ran into the wiki a few times over the last few years, and finally settled down and read a bunch of it. I contribute when I have something semi-relevant to add, which is almost never.If I've wondered into totally irrelevant territory, feel free to delete it...

Any jugglers on the wiki? I'm working on a little open pattern animator. Passing patterns (and the list of jugglers doing them) can be built as Scheme lists using some very high-level functions provided. It's beginning to be more of a pitiful animator with lots of juggling primitives than anything else.

I juggle on Sundays and Thursdays with the Circle City Jugglers ( if you ever want to hunt me down IRL. You may be forced to ride a RollaBolla before challenging me to mortal combat.

I'm sort of an entrepreneur now! ( not much there yet) Little 3-man thing that probably won't make money. Using NearlyFreeSpeech for hosting, trying to find a blog platform that supports Sqlite (any suggestions?) and we're basically just obsessing over SEO while my dad makes music. Also, I'm a really questionable designer :) See above. Getting better fast. My colors of choice in web design are black, red and white, same as for juggling clubs, shirts, food packaging, and everything else. I'm such a great artist! As long as you don't want me to use blue because I will say no and find an adult.

I have contributed to EverythingTwo (as 'quamaretto') and WikiPedia, largely on programming matters. I participate in SphereOnlineJudge and GreatComputerLanguageShootout.

Also, I've started to see edits made under my name, so for the time being I'm going to un-set my UserName. (3/3/2008)

Everything2 nodes of interest would be


I'm highly excitable about ProgrammingLanguages and paradigms. By career, I do alot of CeeSharp and AspDotNet, with JavaScript and HTML and so forth. My worst vice is probably briefly screwing around with a language and never mastering any. At this point, I've messed around with (at least):

CeeLanguage, CeePlusPlus, PythonLanguage, RubyLanguage, PerlLanguage, SchemeLanguage, CommonLisp, JayLanguage, ToolCommandLanguage, SmalltalkLanguage, AplusLanguage, CeeSharp, JavaLanguage, OcamlLanguage, ErlangLanguage, AwkLanguage, DeeCee, WhitespaceLanguage, UnixShell, OzLanguage, AssemblyLanguage, JavaScript, VbScript, AutoLisp, EmacsLisp, VbClassic, SqlServer, and probably some things I'm forgetting.

See blog at for occasional rants.


I've started viewing at 5 inches wide with .2 inch margins for easier reading. I use the "Stylish" FireFox plugin with this CSS:

@-moz-document url-prefix( {
div#wiki { max-width: 5in },
body { padding: .2in },
@-moz-document url-prefix( {
div#wiki { max-width: 5in },
body { padding: .2in },

Hi, Jesse. Nice to see another Stylish user! You can simplify your c2 hack with the following. It takes care of both and, so that you DontRepeatYourself. It tried it just now:

@-moz-document domain("") {
div#wiki { max-width: 5in },
body { padding: .2in },

A nice alternative for readability is div#wiki { max-width: 30em },. This provides a line length of around 12 words no matter what the font size. -- ElizabethWiethoff

30em is exactly what I tried first! I decided that I wanted it to stay the same across font sizes and faces, for some reason, so I went with inches instead. Same result, since I never change font sizes.

Great minds think (almost) alike.

