Jeff Fox

last modified: February 19, 2014

A coworker of ChuckMoore, who has acted as a mouthpiece and interpreter for Mr. Moore's latest developments in ForthLanguage, ColorForth, and "Minimal Instruction Set Computing" (MISC) microrocessors. ChuckMoore gives talks for the Forth Interest Group, but doesn't write much. JeffFox has written transcripts of ChuckMoore's talks, plus other programming philosophies and tidbits about Forth which otherwise would not have been made public.

Jeff's website is at

According to Chuck Moore's blog on, Jeff passed away due to a heart attack somewhere around 4th May 2011

If he is Worthy, does that make him a redneck comedian? Huh? I don't know, but he is considered a SmugForthWeenie by many other Forthers.

CategoryForth CategoryPerson
