Jean Tabaka

last modified: March 31, 2004

I am a Certified Professional Facilitator as certified by the sole assessment body in facilitation, the International Association of Facilitators ( Along with a Masters in Computer Science from The Johns Hopkins University, I have an extensive technical background both as a developer and as a methodologist. My specialization in agile approaches such as DSDM (Dynamic Systems Development Methodolgy)and Scrum dates back to the mid-to-late '90s. Now, I am dedicated to setting XP, Scrum, DSDM and other agile projects in motion with a combination of collaboration and project visioning techniques.

I am a member of the PMI and its local Denver chapter. I am also on the XPDenver User Group Board. I have authored a book through Prentice Hall on physical database design and am currently writing a book on collaboration approaches in software development projects. I have also been a lead methodologist with Qwest Communications, Sybase Inc. and Siebel Systems Inc. and used agile software development fundamentals for running an internet accelerator in Boulder, CO.

Feel free to contact me about XP, Scrum, DSDM, and other agile approaches and how to bring in effective collaboration techniques into your projects, either through training, mentoring, or on site workshops.

Jean Tabaka, 955 Hartford Drive Boulder, CO 80305,, 719.661.0670

Facilitator4Hire provides Planning Game guidance (Release Planning, Iteration Planning, Release and Iteration Retrospectives) and collaboration guidance for XP projects throughout Colorado Springs, Denver, Boulder, and Northern Colorado. We are the premiere provider for courses to train your entire XP team on how to become more effective in all their XP collaborations: Developer, Tester, Customer, Coach and Tracker. We also offer a "Planning Game Workshop", a powerful way to get your XP project up and running by setting project scope, estimates, communication assumptions, and trust in a highly interactive and fast paced forum.

You can contact me, JeanTabaka, at, or visit our web site at:

Note that the referenced page uses a Java Applet to manage its navbar. DoTheSimplestThingThatCouldPossiblyWork?

