Java Web Start

last modified: December 13, 2004

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Accelerated installation and startup for web-launched JavaLanguage applications. Also caches your applications and applets, with auto updates when new versions are available.

JWS helps to overcome the administration/installation problems which have prevented Java becoming popular on desktops. It also caches downloaded classes, and of course the API ... so will mvake downloading a much faster process.

I have Java runtime, read news that I should upgrade to in order to patch up serious bug discovered Nov04. I have since downloaded j2re-1_4_2_06-windows-i586-p-iftw.exe and j2re-1_4_2_06-windows-i586-p.exe (whats the difference?).

And then I discovered I have JavaWebStart installed in in directory.

''So how do I upgrade to the new version, and have the old version removed? Do I have to remove the applications that use JavaRuntime first?''

