The tendancy of fans of JavaLanguage to assume that their language is the One True programming language, and to bash other languages (see CppBashing in particular) for not doing things the Java Way. Perhaps spurred on by marketing hype from SunMicrosystems.
Also, the tendancy for pro-Java comments on sites like SlashDot to be modded up, sometimes at the expense of more balanced points of view.
-- DavidKTurner
This is interesting to me because I've noted that Slashdot is particularily anti-java. I get the feeling reading Slashdot that if you're not a Perl/Ruby/sh scripting, kernel hacking maniac you aren't cool at all.
I like Java. It's fine. -- DustinAleksiuk
How is this substantially different from any other sort of LanguageBigotry? -- francis
JavaBigotry is more serious because Java is the language most college students are being taught in. As a result, we are spawning a generation of Java-only programmers, especially among less talented graduates.
What do you call it when someone likes every language but Java?
- Most folks who dislike Java either a) dislike lower-level languages even more (ie CeePlusPlus), or b) dislike higher-level languages even more (ie SmalltalkLanguage, PythonLanguage).
"every" language? I call it "extremely rare" -- DanBarlow
What's not to like about Java? It has everything! There is ByteCode and JavaServerPages and ExtensibleMarkupLanguage and JavaScript and JSQL. If you visit (BrokenLink 2006-07-21) you can read about the effort to add the kitchen sink to Java.