James Stansell

last modified: April 6, 2005

I have been programming computers since 1979. For many years I worked for WilTelCommunications, based in TulsaOklahoma. My recent large projects have primarily used the JavaLanguage. For the last year I have been contracting for AllianceDataSystems, primary using PerlLanguage and StructuredQueryLanguage.

I am currently seeking a new opportunity. There is some limited information about me at http://sourceforge.net/users/jamesstansell/. I am especially interested in projects that combine ExtremeProgramming and OpenSource. If you know of a project like that then please contact me.

For a JDBC driver for MS Access (MDB) files, http://sf.net/projects/mdbtools may meet your needs. Check it out of CVS, or contact me if you like. There is still room for much improvement, so your contributions are welcome and invited.



See http://www.exubero.com/ccintro/ccintro-s5.html for a very interesting presentation presentation.

RecentChanges, ExtremeProgrammingRoadmap, JobSearching, XpPositionWanted, XpHelpWanted

