Many if not all artifacts, which have been valued enough to have been described and defined for Public disclosure, can receive this classification or category: ItsAnId
- The term Id, can mean many thing to many people, while meaning something very specific to others.
- Over 200 Acronyms -
- In a database, the Key, is to be a UniqueId, in its Context of being in a Table.
- Some Ids bear the responsibility of defining or grouping of stuff into classes, as in AnimalVegetableMineral.
- The following have been used:
- User Id - to identify a personality usually with password to make unique as a user of a system or site
- Last four on front or three digits on the reverse of card as well as name, billing address, date of expiration and multiple digit number account number on a credit or debit card, used to verify a customer's identity
- Almost all Computing Artifacts bear a name specifying their identity