View the Orignal ISSUEBASE at
Don't use a BugBase, have an IssueBase. If NoBugDatabase needed, transcend this page!
Name: IssueBase
Problem: You need to track a bunch of code-related complaints, changes, workarounds, or bugs.
Context: You are developing a system with others and must satisfy all the DefectTrackingPatterns.
Forces: Requires the following roles:
- Requires at least one developer
- IssueDispatcher - Assigns issues to developers
- QualityAssurance - Closes solved issue once they are verified
- ConfigurationManagement - Does daily builds, scriptable activities
Solution: Use, adopt, or develop an IssueBase
An open source version of an IssueBase might be a MySQL/PHP/Apache combo, integrate that with some custom scripts, RevisionControlSystem, a good AutomatedBuild, and an AutomatedConfigurationManagementSystem - you have an IssueBase. Some say
Required Roles(people can double up or automate): Every Issue has the following data:
- id
- creation date
- type : Trouble Report(TR) or Change Request(CR)
- state : Open, Solved, Testing, or Closed
- priority : 1(high), 2(middle), 3(low)
- severity : A(critical), B(dangerous), C(moderate)
- origin
- owner
- version found & version fixed
- short description
- long description
The IssueBase is written in PHP/MySQL and is integrated with:
- custom tooled PHP scripts
- CVS code repository
- email system
- ODBC based tools
An integrated IssueBase uses all the DefectTrackingPatterns
- TrackingTool - Tracks every issue
- AutomatedTodoList - Issue can be ChangeRequests
- DocumentWork - Long descriptions allow lengthy data
- CoordinateEfforts - network access and multiple owners
- DifferentiatePriorityAndSeverity - Allows dispatcher fine control
- BugLifeCycle - Issues are never deleted, their entire lifecycle is recorded
- FixedIsNotClosed - QualityAssurance must closed a solved issue
- IncidentsAndFaults - TR descriptions
- ReviewsBeforeBigChanges - QualityAssurance reviews releases before approving the big ones.
- DefectTrackingRoles - QualityAssurance and ConfigurationManagement(tools) track all changes
Resulting Context: You now have excellent logging of issues, a way to measure your team's performance, almost universal extendability, and you satisfy the DefectTrackingPatterns.