Pages that may contain international, regional or local information, or specialized and specific information which is of interest to "some" of those participating in this wiki are additions which should be encouraged as "points of entry" and represent IslandsOfInformation.
As not everyone is interested in everything contained here, there will inevitably be islands of information and knowledge that serve only some of those involved in this wiki.
These islands of information which some describe as WalledGardens, may be walled by walls not built by the gardener, but rather by those who would choose to exclude rather than include based on their own personal tastes and opinions. If so, they can simply choose to not ReadEveryPageOnTheWiki. I myself would rather view these IslandsOfInformation and determine for myself whether there is beauty to behold in its flowers (light) or that there is an ugliness or that it is filled with disorganized or inappropriate weeds (noise).
Interestingly, even weeds (noise) can generate and display flowers (light). Surely the presence of information is better than the lack of it. I should be able to read and evaluate, and then choose to participate, refactor or ignore such pages.
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