Investigating Concrete Things

last modified: January 12, 2001

Sadly, I have got a lot of InvestigatingConcreteThings to do at the moment! (phrase arising from ProofsThatGodDoesNotExist !)

I have a Health Centre project on site at the moment and the contractors are literally fixing the steel reinforcement and about to lay the concrete slabs as I write. I've had a couple of phone calls from them today requiring co-ordination with the Structural Engineer and more time spent poring over drawings that were finished some time back.

Tomorrow, I expect to be looking over it all on site, pre-concrete pour, then, later on, post-pour as the slab has to be floated smooth enough to receive the waterproofing membranes.

Its all very time consuming when you are trying to press on with the next job (or two) as well, but necessary when you know you're signing off the payments for the client and sharing the liability for the result.

But, is can be great fun: you feel like you're really in action when you've got 10-12 mixer-truck loads poured in the day and everything is basically right.

However, I personally would not still be doing this, taking this responsibility, getting up each day and facing the next lot of problems involved in InvestigatingConcreteThings and the like without knowing that a wonderful, loving Father God is helping me out.

-- MartinNoutch

Another phone call from site: 'The Concrete's put off till Tuesday!' Phew!!

Not exactly what I meant with that phrase but I forgot we had architects in the crowd...

So what, then? Abstract concrete?


Another day, another concrete pour!

We're up to the first floor slab at the Health Centre now but it's been tough going! Half my time is spent trying to get other folk to do what they should be doing, and to do this to a reasonable standard. The contract is slipping and I can't see the completion date being met. All this and I'm trying to remind myself there's a larger purpose: I'm still trying to make a little bit of Art here!! The problem is as an Architect it's not my hands doing the work but those of others that have to be directed.

See Also: ArtistByProxy
