International Year Of The Quiet Mind

last modified: June 11, 2008

InternationalYearOfTheQuietMind is an idea that I had so many years ago that I have forgotten when I first thought of it. I don't know what it means except that it is not happening this year and certainly not on this wiki. Perhaps we could take a leaf out of the book of the Friends (Quakers) and listen to one another a little more. -- JohnFletcher

I suggest a wiki code of conduct be written, and violators be condemned via signed complaints by volunteer wikizens. (Not a huge penalty, but one nevertheless.)

What do you bet TopMind would be the first condemned, TopMind?

I think it would be a disincentive for the very needed work of the DevilsAdvocate (discussing with TopMind might be problematic for some, but do not forget that we all are kind of an small sample of what is going on in the RealWorld and therefor we need to be prepared for the discussions we will have in the OutThere and believe me or not you will find a lot of people that thinks like him, so, before creating an WikiCodeOfConduct we should create a WikiBillOfRights, and the first right should be that everyone has a right express his opinion, and fight the EditWars he/she wishes to fight, of course, everyone also has the right to stop discussing with whomever he/she wants). --LuxSpes

I disagree that EditWars be allowed to continue. Some kind of consensus should be reached to resolve it in my opinion. For example, if people are fighting over a topic name, at some point a vote should be taken to settle on a topic once and for all. --top

I was puzzled by what happened to this page after I created it. I am adding to it now to express appreciation for the work going on to sort out ChangesInWeek and generally keep this wiki in a good state. I appreciate also the difficulties. Perhaps we need a page called BlowOffSteam for people to air their frustrations. -- JohnFletcher

I've been almost entirely quiet at this wiki for over a year and a half, just listening in every couple days, and my mind is at peace. :-) -- ElizabethWiethoff

"International Year of the Quiet Mind" -- interesting concept. I think I'll meditate on it. Namasté, JeffGrigg

AprilZeroEight JuneZeroEight
