Inter Galactic Modeling Language

last modified: July 18, 2005

The IGML (InterGalacticModelingLanguage ) is a modeling language with one element:

Using The Line, you can make Boxes and Labels. For further information, see the GalacticModelingLanguage.

My nano-bot friends on the far fringes of the galaxy claim to use a set elements that's even simpler - The Point - for a truly UniversalModelingLanguage. (They just put together an infinite number of them to build the more complex elements. ;-)

Actually there is only one point. It doesn't matter how many copies you have - unless you have at least a line to cover with 'em, there is only one.

My boss has two points.

Are there already code generators available that generate C++ from IGML? I mean non-human ones. -- StephanHouben

There are code generators that do it the other way round ...

Now, take away The Point and spend the next day really listening to the users stories. When the software designer is ready, the UML will appear.

Spending time listening to user stories is a good way to find the point...

