In My Way

last modified: June 23, 2005

A SoftwareUsability metric--how much is it InMyWay, as opposed to OnMySide?

Software that is hard to use, for one of the following reasons:

Software that gets InMyWay includes MicrosoftOffice, MicrosoftWindows, and the MozillaBrowser.

Any program that works more slowly than I do is InMyWay. If it takes more time to figure out how to do something than to do it, I don't want anything to do with it.


This page also works nicely if you replace "Software" with "Programming Language" throughout. -- FalkBruegmann

Amen to that. --JoeOsborn

So which ProgrammingLanguage has none of the above? i.e.:

Not starting a LanguageWar, just asking!
