Ideological Warrior

last modified: December 23, 2003

A highly intelligent sort of moron, the IdeologicalWarrior fights an argument in a subject they know nothing about and care nothing for because a notion is at stake which happens to be a lynchpin of an ideology they are committed to.

What is an ideology? It's a set of value-laden beliefs. For example, moral systems are ideologies. Since the ideological warrior is committed to values which they cannot justify through reason, logic or fact, this makes them morally compromised.

The ideological warrior will never be convinced by the avalanche of facts and arguments you bring to bear against them on the subject matter in question. To convince them, it would be necessary for you to successfully defeat their ideology.

But to do this you would have to disprove the dozens of separate opinions they hold on distantly related fields which support their ideology. And you would have to do this before their conviction in their ideology causes them to forget or dismiss your disproofs. In practice, by the time you've started your 5th disproof, they've forgotten the first. When fighting an ideological warrior, one feels like Hercules battling the Hydra ... without Iolaus present to cauterize the wounds!

Much more fruitful is to assault their ideology on moral and psychological grounds. This is usually frowned on by legalistic morons as an AdHominem attack.

In StolenConceptFallacy, there was an ideological warrior defending an inept conception of metaphysics because it was the only way to defend the notion of "deserving / earning" which turns out to be a lynchpin to libertarian / right-wing ideology.

In TheFableOfTheKeys, a pair of ideological warriors tried to "disprove" the superiority of the DvorakKeyboard because it is the most cited example of network effects which prove that capitalism is imperfect. Subsequently, a BlatantIdiot on BadKeyboards refused to understand why TheFableOfTheKeys is suspect. (IdeologicalWarrior and BlatantIdiot are a vicious combination.)

Religious people are frequently ideological warriors, their faith constantly renewing their ignorance of disproofs of religious arguments.

The opposite of an ideological warrior is someone who consciously reflects on their values, explicitly justifies and reasons about their values, and in general maintains EndToEndConsistency.
