Identify Include

last modified: December 6, 2012

A strategy leading to improved understanding, organization, and performance DonaldNoyes.20121206

We utilize this approach each time we fill out a form, add coding to a program, view a work of art, switch on our radio or tv, purchase a new artifact, or drive from here to there.

It is an approach which we intentionally or automatically follow to achieve, to acquire, or to change our status.

It is a strategy which can be executed by individuals, organizations and agencies.

Your doctor uses this strategy when you visit, identifying by diagnosis and then prescribing a treatment or medication.

It is a primary activity one uses in inspection and validation.

When shopping in person or online, this is a finalizing effort which leads to payment and acquisition, by actual or virtual means. (add to basket or cart, and checkout)

One may choose to add this to UsefulUsableUsed OrganizationalPatterns.

It can be viewed as a class which instantiates an AmeliorationPattern.
