I was just working on a bug, and I could see the problem: someone had hacked some code into a function where it didn't belong. I tried to fix it by putting the code where it did belong, but it just kept spiraling out of control and I ran out of stamina. In the end, I just worked around the problem. I admit it. IamWeak. - EddieDeyo
See RefactoringHell.
Unfortunately, this is a poorly factored, no unit test having BigBallOfMud. Trying to do anything is RefactoringHell.
I've been there too. This usually happens when you are working late to fix a problem. Every change seems to introduce more bugs than if fixes. The best thing to do is to come back to it fresh the next day.
I think that your concentration reduces with fatigue, so you only see the immediate problem in a few lines of code and fail to see the BiggerPicture. -- ChrisBrooking
The irony here, of course, is that the person who put that code where it was could easily have spent hours trying to put it into a better home. In addition to that, someone else will come tomorrow and spend hours trying to put it into a better home. Hopefully, someone will put a comment on this tricky bit saying "This is hard to move", and save the next person some time (or at least let them enter battle forewarned).
Interesting point. I never thought of it that way. Maybe I'll at least go back and put a "This really shouldn't be here, but..." comment on it. -- EddieDeyo