I don't have the faintest idea of how the DoingStuff will turn out, or in other words HowItWillBecome, but never-the-less, I, we, PressOn ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20131229
People saying this in other ways:
- DanielSiders in the closing remarks of a recent video interview:
- So we’d much rather see a free market and a lot of really awesome stuff happening. So I have, I think, we have, a list of these personal applications, we’ve always wanted something that did X, or Y, or Z, and that’s great, but it’s really the stuff that we can’t imagine, the stuff that in 1992, 1995, you’ve been thinking about, gosh, if only there was a more open ecosystem. That's ... I mean, we’ve had quite a few decades at this point of open development on the web that’s produced things that couldn’t have been imagined when the web started, let alone when we were just on these proprietary systems
- We’re at a similar age now, and so for me, it’s the possibilities of things we haven’t anticipated yet that will be enabled with this very generic framework for sharing
Not yet - ready for prime time
- drogulus
- zero-tier-one
- cryptosphere
- serval-project
- ...