Help Source Forge Suck

last modified: October 7, 2014

SourceForge and similar free FreeSoftware portals do our industry an immense service to lubricate the pipeline between thinker and user.

Follow these guidelines to ensure your SourceForge project helps bring their huge and pro bono server farm to its knees:



Testing and QA



Page named and populated by PhlIp, who has been helping SourceForge suck for nigh on 4 years now.

[DeleteWhenCooked - pro-SF material moved to HelpSourceForgeSucceed]

See Also: HelpSourceForgeSucceed

Comming soon to a WardsWiki near you: HelpGitHubSuck

and maybe a SpellChecker?

I made a project for a text editor on Sourceforge one time. It was "Perl Emacs". Never uploaded any code. Did my part.

CategoryAntiPattern CategoryJoke
