Harpers Magazine

last modified: June 16, 2004

It's called reading.

If, like me, you occasionally seek something different to read, then I recommend you give Harpers Magazine a whirl. I haven't missed an issue in over 10 years and it's always refreshing. A feature: most stories are short and can be read while eating a snack, or on the throne, or between snoozes on trains or airplanes.

If your reading must have technical content, then you'll surely enjoy the first two articles of the August 1998 issue. The first bemoans VisualProgramming, and the second is a hilarious report from someone who wants to buy a vanilla PC with no Windows or MS-DOS software whatsoever loaded on the hard drive.

-- StevenBlack

HarpersMagazine is the oldest monthly magazine in the UnitedStates.

