GtkPlus, or GTK+, is an ObjectOriented graphical widget toolset written in C which is primarily aimed at Unix desktop machines, although it has also been ported to the Win32 environment. It was initially written to support development of TheGimp so that that FreeSoftware project could be developed without relying on the non-Free MotifToolkit, but it has since become a library in its own right. The "G" in "GTK" still stands for the Gimp.
GTK+'s home page is <>.
Quickly becoming THE replacement for Motif. Sun ships GTK, HP ships GTK, and SGI has GTK as a download on their website, and it might be on the surfware CD.
GTK+ is the basic widget set for the GnomeDesktopEnvironment. The Gnome widgets are derived from basic GTK+ classes, and add a layer of features appropriate to a user desktop environment
- Should this article also describe the strange GTK+ type system?
One tragic weakness of GTK+ is that I often hear there's no Mac version. That said, though, it's the most highly-recommended toolkit for RubyLanguage.
GtkPlus now runs on XDarwin (EksDarwin in wikispeech?) which is a XwindowsProtocol for Mac OS X. It can run rootless so X programs appear in Aqua. X programs run inside the XDarwin program (exactly like the Classic Environment). I just installed TheGimp and it appears to be running fine on my iMac (now if I can just learn how to use the darned program). -- SeanOleary
See for the ThenDontCallMainLoop "pattern" in Gtk+.
See PangoTextLibrary