Gregory Bateson

last modified: March 1, 2006

obviously, an example of a "great mind."

GregoryBateson was an anthropologist and philosopher who applied cybernetics to the life sciences.

In his books, he defines the basic unit of information as a DifferenceThatMakesaDifference and elaborates this idea into the growth processes of life, the mind, and the universe, seeing the world around us and in us as intertwined communication circuits (YouCannotNotCommunicate - not by GB but related)

He claimed that progress in thinking is made by the interplay of strict and loose thinking, and that TheMapIsNotTheTerritory.

When studying the world, he always tried to understand the whole of the picture. He was looking for the ThePatternWhichConnects in superficially diverse areas as:

It feels like one of his passions was to make the patterns behind communication processes evident and find explicit knowledge about them.

Some of his books include:

He was married with anthropologist MargaretMead, their daughter is named Mary Catherine.

GregoryBateson died in 1980, but his spirit will live on for a long time.

-- ManuelSimoni

Please feel free to edit and amend.

The Manuscript

Gregory Bateson, Esalen, October 5, 1978

So there it is in words
And if you read between the lines
You will find nothing there
For that is the discipline I ask
Not more, not less 

Not the world as it is
Nor ought to be -
Only the precision
The skeleton of truth
I do not dabble in emotion
Hint at implications
Evoke the ghosts of old forgotten creeds. 

All that is for the preacher
The hypnotist, therapist and missionary
They will come after me
And use the little that I said
To bait more traps
For those who cannot bear
The lonely
of Truth

