Green Hat

last modified: October 13, 2006

One of SixThinkingHats.

Innovative ideas and off-the-wall creativity.

The GreenHat provides an opportunity to look for new answers to the question under discussion. Questions come up all the time where there seem to be only three options, or only two (we do it or we don't). Under the GreenHat, you look for other ideas. Maybe there is another option you haven't thought of. Maybe the decision can be deferred or made unnecessary by some other action. Here's your chance to think of it.

The GreenHat should not be used to go way OffTopic and come up with creative but irrelevant ideas. If you are in the shoe business then it is not useful to come up with ideas about the materials that astronaut's helmets are made of, unless you are in marketing.

I couldn't disagree more ... or actually, I agree about the helmet material, but that starts me thinking about the astronaut suit material, which I think could make some really wild shoes which would sell well to the right crowd. It can be a little hard to decide a priori between what's truly OffTopic, and what's Off but may lead to something OnTopic along a path not previously taken.

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