Green Dragon

last modified: November 8, 2005

PrinciplesOfCompilerDesign has the moniker "The GreenDragon Book".

One of the three dragons in MahJongg. It is represented by the Chinese character for "start" (fa1 in Mandarin).

And the red dragon in MahJongg is the Chinese character for "middle" (zhong1). The third dragon in MahJongg is the white dragon; this is represented by either an empty (blank) tile, or by an open rectangle. The rectangle sorta resembles the Chinese character for mouth (kou3), but it isn't. Given that both the GreenDragon book and the RedDragonBook are a bit dated--the theory is important, but there's lots of new knowledge in the field--one wonders if we will ever see a WhiteDragonBook (or any other color) anytime soon.

See also: TheDragonBook, JrrTolkien (in which "The GreenDragon" was the name of a pub in The Shire).

CategoryBook CategoryCompilers CategoryGame CategoryNaturalLanguage
