Web services company founded by LarryPage and SergeyBrin.
Google provides some nice services beyond basic GoogleSearch:
- GoogleNews - automatic gathered news service
- GoogleGroups - huge UseNet archive (former )
- GoogleDirectory - OpenDirectoryProject
- GoogleImage - image search. Unlike 3 nice features above, this is not so useful.
- GoogleAnswers - A pay research service where questions are answered by paid researchers
- GoogleSearchBox - search box in your IE toolbar
- GoogleLabs - http://labs.google.com/, several new Google technologies which are in the testing phase.
- GoogleCalculator - Do math or convert units. Just search for "2+3", "square root of pi" or "4 hectares in square fathoms"
One of their mottos is "Don't Be Evil", although many still think GoogleIsEvil.
Google has attracted all sorts of talent in the industry, such as RobPike and KenThompson.
Google has also sponsored all sorts of things outside their core interests.
- Google Summer of Code - educational program for exposing undergraduates to the OpenSource community
- GoogleTechTalks
- Google Lunar X Prize
CategoryCompany CategoryGoogle