Gods Google

last modified: November 6, 2014

The SearchEngine the Gods use, for finding stuff like:

Usage in LimitsOfHierarchies

Any being that would have to resort to googling isn't much of a god, if you ask me. Sounds more like a human. -- BrucePennington

It's meant to be a humorous clarification of a reference on LimitsOfHierarchies. The essential notion is that of a "super-Google" that can find anything, not whether or not an omniscient, omnipotent deity needs one. Don't take it too seriously, Bruce.

And never mind that QuantumMechanics tells us there is no such thing as a "particular atom", that's entirely beside the point. -- SveinOve

It is perhaps possible technically to build very power search engines that go beyond word matches and associations (maybe at Angel level, not quite God), at least if performance is put on the back-burner (being an experiment at this point). However, the hard part is likely HumanComputerInteraction. Either it attempts to parse English and other natural languages, probably getting it wrong often, or the user has to learn something akin to ProLog in order to be precise enough for the computer.

