An omniscient being is one that can design good, reusable, bug-free code up front. If you are that knowledgeable, why not develop a system to do it for you? Then you can go to the beach for the next 4 billion years!
I would say: GodIsLessExistentThanEvolution.
Didn't this start out as a planning versus XP concept?
What about "freak accident"? Error can sometimes be the quickest way to something better.
Apropos IntelligentDesign: If GodIsQuickerThanEvolution, then why did he wait 5 billion years? --BlackHat
EverythingIsRelative. 5B just seems like a long time to YOU. He was waiting for his upgrade to The Sims, Earth Edition (AreWeSimulations) to arrive from their equivalent of (Or is Bezos actually God? He seems to think so.) --RedHat
See also: XpIsForBadPlanners
CategoryModellingLawsAndPrinciples CategoryHumor