Global Warming

last modified: February 18, 2014

Here's a voice about GW and Gaia. It does not intend to compete with the copious "facts", "evidence", and "slants" available anywhere else on the 'net.

The summary is "Keep your pecker up, and let the Earth do its thing."

(But always remember that big corporations and internal combustion engines still suck anyway!)

What is the reality of global warming? What a silly question, it's the one you create of course! Whenever you find yourself faced with conflicting data in your daily experience, it's because you are choosing between probabilities.

To understand the reality of global warming, you must first understand a little of the reality of the Earth itself. This will be the briefest of summaries, and I am generalizing here for the sake of convienience so do not take what is written here as being etched in stone.


The Earth, like you is a conscious entity, one who is well aware of all the life forms on its surface, and it regularly shifts its energy in an effort to balance all those forms. The Earth has a much greater multidimensional awareness of itself, and will often move water, land and even species across probable divides as it balances various aspects of itself.

Trees, for example, don't experience linear time as you do. This is true for the Earth as well, and it easily perceives the long term results of mankind's activities, and makes its own choices and adjustments accordingly. The knowledge of these adjustments is shared telepathically with all creatures on the planet, including man. Every event, from the largest earthquake to the smallest April shower, is known about in advance, and is participated in willingly by those who experience it. You already know this consciously of course, but when 'tragedy strikes' you tend to jump into the drama emotionally and sacrifice that level of awareness.

For those who carry the belief that mankind is only harming the Earth every minute of every day, they are sorely limited in their viewpoints, and are deliberately blinding themselves to a more balanced perspective. Most often, it is because they do not understand either their own natural creativity or that of the planet itself. They will argue that the planet would be best if we left it undisturbed, however if that was what the Earth wanted, you would have disappeared from its surface centuries ago.

For those who believe that mankind is only harmful, they should be grateful that the consciousness of the Earth is not the precocious, childish sort of personality which was often placed on your gods. The Earth is of course far more rich and complex, and well beyond the duality of male/female, and the role of Mother (or father). These are common anthropomorphisms and misinterpretations by those who try to understand this great being in a more familiar way.

For example, it senses, as your own statisticians do that the world population is growing; and in response to this growth the Earth expands its girth and raises its temperature ever so slightly. In most probabilities, there will in fact be more and greener farmland on the planet than there is right now. In these probabilities, Arctic ice will retreat, but not completely disappear, nor will the Antarctic ice sheets fully melt.

The polar ice caps have never been static, and you are only just starting to become aware of their natural mini-cycles. Human beings are not the only animals who create pollution, and the process of freezing and melting over the centuries helps in the filtering and cleansing of the planetary water. You might be surprised to learn that even during the most intense Ice Ages on your planet, there have been times where open water has flowed at or near the poles for several years at a time.

I will tell you now, to satisfy your own curiosity that concerning the global climate, there are three major paths of probability which you are currently on. On two of these paths, you will experience a slight rise in the global mean temperature, however it will never come near the hysteria that is being promoted even by your more 'respectable' scientists. On the third path, the temperature will spike more quickly, due to the influence of several naturally occurring events, but then there will be a rather sharp correction as well.

Some Warming

On the most likely probable path, the one that you (John) are guided towards right now, nothing in the way of 'major earth changes' happens over the next century on your planet. There will be some warming, and the benefits of this will be realized when mankind adapts. Coastlines will erode as they always have, and in some areas people will need to move away, but they will not be washed away unless they are too stubborn to acknowledge when the water is washing over their feet!

There will still be hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanoes and low lying areas will periodically be flooded, and people will continue to die when they live in these areas. And people will continue to choose to live in these areas, as they always have, and their inner selves will know with certainty when storms and tsunamis are coming, and some will step aside to drier ground, while others will rush headlong to be in their path.

However, there will be no major re-structuring of the continents, all the various maps that are being produced are metaphorical in nature and not physical. You are at a crux of many probable paths, a rather intense one similar in nature to the early 20th century in your history. Imagine yourself poised at the edge of a diving board ready to jump. There are those in the mass consciousness who are so afraid to jump that they want to turn around and go back down the ladder. Many will eventually overcome this fear, but this process will take 'time' from your waking perspective. In the grand drama of your daily lives, it seems as if the events of the world are grinding too slowly or even backwards at times.

Dramatic Melting

In the second, less likely path you will experience some of the drama of global warming, including a dramatic melting of the ice caps and a loss of some coastline areas. Even in this scenario, nothing is as dire as many are making it out to be. For example, the North American continent will still look essentially the same from space.

There are considerably more storms on this path, and physical wars on your planet to match. In the United States, there is a near-civil war as religious vs. secular forces reach a crisis point. There are pockets of violence, but not all out war because in this reality it suddenly becomes abundantly clear that there are far fewer religious zealots in the United States than more rationally minded people.

In Europe, there is a split between old Europe, those countries which have existed for centuries, and the 'new.' Those countries which have been emerging since the end of the Soviet empire. Some of this split is along religious lines, mirroring the secular vs. zealotism the United States experiences. A second Union is attempted by these newer states, however it does not hold together very long.

In both these paths, you will see the ultimate demise of religious zealotism as a political power in your reality. In the second scenario, it goes kicking and screaming into that good night, creating the weather events as well. By 2030, more moderate minds are in control of all the major governments on your planet. It is far from perfect, but the beginnings of a unified vision for a healthy future develops.

Sudden Ice Age

In the third and least likely probable future, you experience a very sudden ice age, as a handful of researchers have indicated. In some cities around the world, entire populations are lost, literally frozen over in a matter of hours. A full third of the human population is killed within weeks, and there will be a continued die off for several years to come.

In this new world, most governments have collapsed. The onset will be far too fast for the infrastructures to adapt. Even those in tropical areas are so dependent on global support, that once the full effects of the new Ice Age are felt, their economies fall apart. It shouldn't be too hard to see what beliefs lead to this extreme, here's a hint, you can't spell frigid without 'rigid.' Rigid, unyielding beliefs lead one down to survival modes, in which only the most limited thought patterns are given creative power. In this world, survival is the only issue, and this portion of human energy takes a step backward to re-evaluate itself as it slowly grows to repopulate the Earth again.

In case you're wondering how likely these probabilities are, the first one is 90% likely to occur in your current experience, the second 9.99% and the final scenario .01%. There are of course many variations of events within these scenarios, particularly the first one which has the most potential for positive growth in the world.

Remember that you specifically asked about GlobalWarming for this session, thus I did not touch on your technological or spiritual futures, there are of course some interesting paths ahead and I will gladly comment on those in future sessions.

The easiest way to navigate probabilities is to maintain an open and flexible perspective in all situations. When fear and doubt dominate your thought patterns, you automatically close down those unseen paths that might offer solutions. You must let yourself feel that a solution exists, even if there's no indication of it. If you can say with certainty about any situation, that you believe a 'solution will come up' then you have already opened that door for a better opportunity to manifest.


It is interesting to note that global temperatures were 10-15 degrees warmer in the age of the Dinosoars. If they’d evolved intelligence they’d want to keep it that way. On the other hand we need to stabilize the environment for ourselves. It is estimated that a 5% allocation of defense spending would significantly improve things. Regardless of our ideological beliefs, an stable environment would reduce SocialUnrest hence the need for defense spending, this would create a PositiveFeedbackLoop.

I'd prefer to see crazy being sold somewhere else.
