Give And Take

last modified: May 8, 2012

WikiCommunity is a bit of GiveAndTake.

You get enriched to the extent that you give (share) what you think is useful, and in turn take in the wealth of knowledge of your colleagues.

A good example that worked for me is the creation of SecurityManagement page. I wanted to learn what it entails, but am no practitioner / expert in the subject. So I searched for a few useful management (security) related links and created a page here, on speculation that lots of other professionals would want to enhance. Rest is history.

I would not have known about the BS7799 standard had I not started the page.

More on Collaboration

Edits contributed by other people are very useful, even those that I do not necessarily agree to, either on the basis of form (style) or content. LetHotPagesCool has been pointed out to me and I can attest to its usefulness.

Using GiveAndTake technique, after a while another active WikiZen get used to my style, and we can converge and have better interaction. Maybe not always in the page of contention, but overall in encounters in other pages.


Sometimes you give in terms of Compassion and understanding, and you take in More Happiness. That is how HappinessIs!!!

On Negotiation

I am unsure whether I would agree there has to be a conflict between WinWin and GiveAndTake. You do not necessarily give away "good stuff" you need yourself, nor take away "precious items" from the other party. I need to think more about this but it can makes sense to me.

