Getting Across The Domain

last modified: May 13, 1998

Before you can work on ComingUpToSpeed or GettingUpToSpeed you have to work on GettingAcrossTheDomain. This is not about fluency or ability, yet; it's about defining scope and gauging the size of a development.

If you're very lucky you can see AllOfEuropeInJustOneWeek. A similar activity, when faced with a new language, is reading the index of the reference manual. This doesn't give you functional knowledge - it gives you only a conception of scope.

But when faced with a new problem domain you don't have the luxury of an index or a packaged tour. There are people to interview, specs to review, and books to read, but relating their information to your brief, and deciding what your brief really ought to be, is not straightforward.

So here are some tricks for GettingAcrossTheDomain:

Others? --PeterMerel
