GetItFirstFromHere is a page on temporary setups for computing related information of interest to a large segment of the WardsWiki community.
Actually, it just looks like a personal blog, to me. WikiIsNotYourBlog. Perhaps you'd like to check out
It would seem to make more sense to put information relating to any given piece of software on its own page on this wiki.
Prior to 06Oct05, I predict next MS patch link to be found at :)
- advance warning for the contents can be seen at
MicrosoftIndigo WebServicesExtensions CTP
Jun05 download at
WikiPedia history - memoirs by LarrySanger
Published over two days. See for yourself at
Critical Windows Updates available (post SP2)
JavaLanguage solution for severe security problem is to upgrade (Dec 2004)
Firefox 2.0 is now (24Oct06) out - (
Release 1.5 (December 2005) - (but see above).
Release 1.06 on 20Jul05 fixed up API compatibility problems introduced in 1.05. Download of the English windows version is available at But watch for DeerPark (release 1.5) which has been released for beta. And 1.1 is supposed to be released to the public RealSoonNow
Release 1.04 on 12May patches javascript and other vulnerabilities. Windows download at
Release 1.02 on 26Mar patches buffer overflow vulnerability in animated GIFS. Windows download at
Release 1.01 on 01Mar05 w IDN exposure security fix(1.0 released 8Dec04). English windows version download URL at
Beyond HotMail, MSN Spaces open for blogging
go to
Critical InternetExplorer patch for non WindowsXp SP2 users'
Dec1, 2004 info from Microsoft at
Get MozillaFirefox 1.0 released in Nov2004
Windows95 upwards
All available operating systems and languages
Sage addon RssReader for FireFox very good
download from
SP2 SecurityManagement utilities
WiFi WPA v2 tool (May05) download at
Get Microsoft WindowsXp SP2 via site listed in
12Aug04 Will merge with WindowsXp page by end Aug04
Windows XP Service Pack 2 Network Installation Package for IT Professionals and Developers is the title of the MS site listed above.
Be warned of possible compatibility problems with older (and some newer) software
- suitable for new PC with latest (almost) version of windows, and for people to plan to install new software onto it afterwards -- dl
- eDonkey P2P file sharing mechanism is advocated to be used by above article to complete download of SP2 even if MS decides to unplug the SP2 offering (watch out for security exposure introduced thru use of a P2P mechanism first.)
- Best alternative for most users of WindowsXp is to wait out until SP2 behaviour is fully known. MS has posted a blocking tool that would stop SP2 downloads while still getting critical XP fixes.
- I am personally treating SP2 as a very important OS upgrade (not update) but treat the SP2 release as a large public beta -- dl
Discussions of posted items in above section(s)
WindowsXp SP2