Gerold Keefer - professional trainer and coach in the Mannheim Area of Germany.
Four short excerpts from 2009 (?) training videos by Gerold Keefer at
- "Slow Down to Speed Up"
- "Plan - Do - Check - Act"
- Resistance to Change
- Experience Bases
Authored the controversial "ExtremeProgrammingConsideredHarmfulForReliableSoftwareDevelopment" paper in 2002.
Was active on the usenet news group in 2002-2004 or so.
While I wouldn't describe him as a world-class award winning speaker, I think the first three of his training video excerpts on YouTube are pretty good. -- JeffGrigg
[GeroldKeefer is not known to be active on this Wiki. This page was created as a place to describe his agile work and criticisms of ExtremeProgramming.]