General Protection Fault

last modified: November 23, 2014

The Microsoft equivalent of a SegmentationFault. MoreOrLess. GPF is a memory protection violation (a process stepping on memory not belonging to it). On older versions of Windows, this was a VerySeriousMatter. But WindowsNt and its mutant offspring have "Memory Protection", which supposedly ameliorates the catastrophic nature of this error.

So, now what happens when we dereference a null pointer on Windows NT? -- StephanHouben, if memory serves.

Yep, that's the site for the online comic strip by that name. Also published on dead trees by PlanNinePublishing. Intrigue, conspiracy, romance and general geeky wackiness ensue as the strip follows the work and social lives of the employees of the unfortunately-acronym'd company, 'GPF Software'. Fun stuff.
