Fuzzy Thinking

last modified: March 31, 2009

Fuzzy Thinking: The New Science of Fuzzy Logic, by BartKosko

ISBN: 078688021X

It doesn't get a very good review from Amazon customers, (2.5/5) and there are 97 used and new available, showing an active market in people getting rid of it.

However, FuzzyThinking is about concentrating on the grey rather than the black and white. FuzzyThinking is to disregard absolutes. In science there is no true or false. In FuzzyLaw or FuzzyRules there is no right or wrong - each circumstance is different and the rules are used as guidelines depending upon circumstances involved.

This may be wordsmithing, but the above doesn't truly capture the intent of fuzzy logic. True and False do exist in fuzzy logic, however, it permits degrees of truthfulness. An idea can be partially true and partially false. It is also permitted to be absolutely true or absolutely false. This is the rationale to say that Boolean logic is a subset of fuzzy logic.

FuzzyThinking is the basis for the theory behind FuzzyFaq and FuzzyCommunity.

In law, there is only guilty and not guilty as determined by either a judge and jury. Even guilty is caveated, most commonly in the U.S. as "guilty beyond a reasonable doubt." Different laws, however, required different levels of "guilty", such as "guilty on the balance of probabilities" (English civil law) and "not proven" (Scottish criminal law). These can rightfully be described as fuzzy evaluations.

Actually, part of the engineering aspect of Fuzzy Logic is the translation of a fuzzy evaluation into a binary evaluation. An evaluation of "guiltiness" would be a fuzzy evaluation and a translation into a binary decision of "guilty" or "not guilty" is then required. Of course, sentencing reintroduces the fuzzy evaluation of guiltiness.

ToDefineIsPerhapsToValue.DonaldNoyes.200505041530 This means that distinctions are important in deciding what one will do. It is personally correct (right) for a person to do what one has been personally defined as OK. The opposite side of the coin is that it is personally incorrect (wrong) for a person to do what one has personally defined as not OK. This does not necessarily mean that what is done will be viewed by all parts of a community as socially correct (right)(moral)(legal) or incorrect (wrong)(moral)(illegal). It is not FuzzyThinking to do personally or as part of a society or community a thing internally or mutually considered correct (right) in violation of the expectations of the remainder of the society or community where they might be viewed as incorrect (wrong). Neither is it FuzzyThinking to be indifferent to the concerns of another person, part of society or the community or whole society. It is a decision based on the ConceptYesAndNo. One acts or behaves within a context. One decides based on some definition as to whether one will do or not do something.

