As described in TrulyHorribleAcronyms, open source projects have a certain odd pattern about them. For MentalMasturbation and the spirit of shared creativity in naming, here's a list of possible future names one can use for their new project. Feel free to add to the list.
- Ablump
- AmpClamp
- Anix
- arrTeeEffEm (RTFM)
- AyNull
- Beeblebrox
- Broxlebeeb
- Bleeber
- Blent
- Blump
- Boogire
- Bribe
- Bur Eyeb
- Dahi Reeah
- Dam
- D-fect
- Dee Fect
- Dee Tox
- Dim
- DireRia
- Dis Ease
- Documentation
- dop
- Dum
- effUm
- Esshole
- Too obvious. Try PHAP.
- FAP was forked to create PHAP.
- PHP fanboys fap over PHP and PHAP for PHP. Hey! You misspelled "phanboiz."
- flem
- flum
- Frakakk
- Fun Gus
- GazundWidth
- Ger Rope
- GezundHeight
- gitpip
- Gizz
- Glump
- goop
- Gorf
- Groffnok
- Grope
- gupe
- Haa Kur
- hag
- heg
- hgtron
- Ibola
- In Fect
- Just-In-Bleeber
- LahgSniff
- Limpter
- Melf
- Miff
- Milph
- Morphite
- Mox
- Newf
- Ooblump
- OraFiss
- orgzm
- Orifisoft
- Orr Gazim
- Out Fect
- Panix
- Panus
- Paynus
- Penix
- pish
- Ploff
- Plop
- pNIS
- Pobb
- Poktum
- poog
- Pox
- PoxMox
- There is a Proxmox. See
- Well well, I've been out-stupided by reality.
- qwertyuiop
- sqwerty
- squerty
- sharkjump
- Rektim
- sarczm
- Sass Squoch
- Sicromoft Orifice
- Snufter
- Spa Stik
- spaz Tik
- Spazmat
- Spitnik
- Sputnaq
- Squoch
- Stanch
- stap
- staph
- Stumpgump
- Sunott
- Talk Zack
- Tok Zack
- Tox Ick
- Toxack
- Tranfor
- Uranix
- Uranus
- Vahh Gina
- Vaz Oleen
- Vazz Nippol
- Vobb Orbis
- Vortox
- Zaphod
- zomp
Wait, aren't these the Palin kids?
In the 2020's there will be a fad for single-letter command names. There will only be 26 possible commands on any given system so commands will compete to provide a comprehensive set of features.
Vi will be back?
Yes, but it will be spelled "V".
See also: AwkLanguage (alt name speculation)
CategoryWhimsy, CategoryNaming