On this wiki, somebody said "Frameworks should automate the repetitious parts of app development, not substitute for understanding of underlying technologies" (paraphrased). Others and I felt it was a great statement. In other words, they should not be a replacement for knowledge of the technologies on which the app relies. [I cannot find the original quote so far. Still looking. I found something similar in WizardsAreDangerous.]
The main reason is that most frameworks are a LeakyAbstraction. If you use them beyond the trivial, you will usually either expose the leaks, or create bugs or performance issues tied to abstraction leaks (not to be confused with memory leaks). If you don't know what's underneath the framework or what the framework is actually doing, you will have difficultly working around or fixing the leaks; becoming a victim of them.
In practice, this is hard to avoid. A new-comer may not understand a GUI toolkit or SQL, for example, and the framework helps them get up and going. However, a more experienced mentor perhaps should keep an eye on them if possible.
While I agree with the premise you've borrowed - that frameworks shouldn't substitute for understanding of underlying technologies (which is necessary to understand the fundamental limits of the framework, and understand what can (fundamentally) be done (or be done efficiently)) - I disagree with the conclusion you've made from that premise.
First, Frameworks aren't 'LeakyAbstractions' unless you poke holes through them so you CAN access the underlying technologies components, which I believe is a very large source of bugs (especially those related to premature optimizations) but also performance issues (since the ability to make optimizations is ALWAYS based on the set of assumptions you can make, and you can't make assumptions about what is happening when some idiot is poking holes to bypass the abstractions you've provided). Sure, the poking holes to provide your 'leaky abstraction' allows for better hand-written optimizations, but it is harmful to the overall system.
Poking holes in frameworks is like Haskell allowing assembler code and pointer and registry manipulation arbitrarily because Haskell is too high an abstraction - doing so would break both Haskell and a good chunk of its optimization assumptions (such as referential transparency). Or like a Relational DBMS giving access to 'pointers' to the underlying representations of tables and indexes so you can muck around in them. Even if you simply note that a particular implementation of, say, inner-joins is unusually fast (or slow), depending on that fact (or working around it) is quite far from a brilliant idea. It's a hack, and, as anyone with an axe to grind will tell you, hacking long enough at any sort of framework will invariably break it.
If a particular framework needs some enhancements to efficiently support certain operations, then the proper solution is add a higher-level expression of intent to the framework, not to poke holes that leak the underlying technologies. (Or, in the case where something in the framework is broken: fixing it, not working around it, is the RightThing.)
Once the higher-level expression of intent is available, you can have your framework or system compile-down (from this higher abstraction) to an efficient implementation of that intent - and thus remain as near efficient as is theoretically possible. Having the higher level expression still isn't an excuse for not understanding why the framework has the limits it does, which is of critical importance when determining what sort of things can be usefully added to the framework.
Second, Frameworks should hide details that are to be encapsulated - not only for the reasons above, but also because encapsulation has its own benefits. Encapsulation, fundamentally, allows change - that which you can hide, you can change... and that which you wish to change (or for which you anticipate a need), you MUST hide. 'Porting' a framework from one system to another is one form of 'change'. 'Optimizing' part of a framework is another sort of change. 'Integrating' new technologies as they arise represent yet another sort of change. Anything the Framework 'hides' is something for which it becomes portable - to different CPUs, different machines, different technologies, enhancements to existing technologies, etc. - and, really, allowing meaningful communication between different systems (which requires portability) really is a huge part of most frameworks' utility. Anything the Framework 'hides' is also something it can optimize, since there are no external dependencies upon that which is hidden. I am convinced that 'performance issues related to abstraction leaks' most often come from failure to hide things that aren't already 'perfect' and can be further optimized (which is most things). When you have enough of these, you need to pretty much scrap the whole framework (at least politically) because fixing things will break the code of everyone to whom you've 'exposed' the naughty details of your framework.
FrameworksMustBothHideAndAutomate. If they don't, they'll be failures as frameworks in the long run. Only compile-time automated optimizers should be allowed to break encapsulation between frameworks, abstraction-layers, and components, and even then: only those parts of the framework that aren't supposed to be runtime-pluggable components. Optimizers get a special pass because they don't introduce source dependencies: when something is changed, it calls only for a simple recompile of all statically linked components that must also inherit the change. As automated optimizations get stronger (and that's a whole field in itself) higher-level and layered abstractions will become more and more efficient, and poking holes in the framework will become more and more obviously a mistake (if the Haskell and SQL examples aren't obvious enough).
Hacks can still be used when you're stuck with a weak framework that you lack the (political, technical, etc.) power to fix. But they should be recognized as hacks, and certainly oughtn't be on the right-hand-side of a 'should' or 'ought'.
Indeed. In a sense, one can consider a relational DBMS to be a "Framework" that hides the nasty business of dealing with files, disk blocks, BTrees and other gnarly structures, buffers, concurrency mechanisms et al. Or, a compiler is a "Framework" that hides having to muscle out machine code. I suspect the topmost (pun intended) conclusion on this page owes to having endured poorly-engineered frameworks -- especially "application frameworks" -- which are all too common. It is not necessarily the case with good frameworks, few though they may be.
Remember that a library is something that provides proper flow of control, while a framework relies on InversionOfControl. Be careful of what you mean, precisely, when you say "framework." SQL and compilers do not use inversion of control, and are therefore not frameworks. GUI frameworks, server frameworks, application frameworks, etc. all depend on inversion of control, and are appropriately named. --SamuelFalvo
True, which is why I used the phrase "in a sense" and put quotes around "Framework". My point was about the value of hiding, using illustrations in which (I would hope) the original author would instantly recognise the value of hiding, rather than strict terminological accuracy. Perhaps I should have said that good frameworks hide details in a positive manner, as do DBMSes, compilers, etc.
The above objection to FrameworksShouldAutomateNotHide is independent of the InversionOfControl issue and applies regardless. It depends only upon the fact that intent to particular effect must somehow be expressed (usually by a programmer) to the framework as part of working with the framework. You might be delivering specifications regarding when and how and under which conditions you wish to be 'called back' in the traditional "framework" InversionOfControl manner, or you might be delivering specifications for what you wish to happen in the framework immediately in the traditional Imperative manner; it doesn't affect the above objection.
If you can tell the "framework" what to do in response to something "immediately," that in response to something is inversion of control, and is therefore not imperative.
Nothing about IoC is not imperative.
You can use imperative constructs to establish that contract (indeed, this is how old-school GUIs work, for example). But, the IoC is still there. This effect does not exist with libraries at all. The framework has to do whatever steps necessary to determine when to invoke your specialized code, under its rules, and its schedule. In a library, you decide, under your rules, under your schedule. There is a huge difference in this.
You attempt to make a distinction where none exists. Suppose, for a moment, you're working with a library that either has global data, for which you utilize an 'environment' handle of some sort, or that interacts with the world outside your program in some manner (e.g. Database access) - all these things are quite common for 'libraries'. When you execute a command in a library like this, it accepts both your inputs to the command and inputs from the environment in which it resides. Further, it can potentially affect the environment in which it resides. Affecting the environment in which the library runs modifies future inputs from the environment when executing library code in the future. Now, these inputs could be integers that affect your code, or they could be huge chunks of code that affect your code and determine how your call acts. There is no fundamental difference between the two. If your library calls operate upon big blobs of code that became part of the global environment due to previous calls (or for any other reason), even you could agree that you're just one tiny step away from putting it in a loop and calling it a single-threaded "framework". But, less obvious, if your library calls operate upon tiny blobs of integers that became part of the library's environment, you're in the exact same situation. The line between what you're attempting to distinguish as "framework" and "library" blurs. The only way to avoid this blurring is to keep everything 'pure' and redefine "library" such that it is both referentially transparent AND doesn't use or expect any sort of 'world' handle. And that redefinition of "library" would have you well on your way to the NoTrueScotsman fallacy.
I cannot disagree any more strongly. There is a fundamental difference when the guts-of-a-program is hardwired, and you just fill in specific behaviors to specific events, versus when you are given a toolbox of stuff to put together as you see fit. I'm sorry, but I just don't buy that there is no difference between frameworks and libraries. I've used both, good and bad. And as a rule, I abhore frameworks. They constrain me. They stop my freedom of thought. They prevent me from adequately expressing myself in the code. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. --SamuelFalvo
I am entirely convinced you are wrong, of course, which is why we have a disagreement. Tell me, SamuelFalvo, what exactly is this "fundamental difference"? Give it to me in precise terms of communication-events and calculation tasks. Those are, after all, the only two things there are in any computation. I believe you will find it impossible. Any language runtime is a 'hardwired' guts-of-a-program for which you 'fill in specific behaviors' to be executed in specific conditions. I'm gaining the impression, though, that your objection to 'frameworks' isn't based in reason.
[I am not SamuelFalvo, but I'd like to respond to this. While there may be no fundamental or theoretical computational difference between (typical) frameworks and (typical) libraries in terms of communication-events and calculation tasks, there certainly may be structural differences -- how the code, method/function calls, etc. are organised and accessed, what is hidden or exposed, the use of DependencyInversion vs. library API calls, etc. -- that significantly impact the usability of either one in terms of meeting a given set of requirements. I think SamuelFalvo is referring particularly to these architectual/structural differences, and probably objecting to the tendency of many frameworks to facilitate a limited set of tasks in a particular style, and thus inadvertently or intentionally make differing styles or alternative tasks awkward or impossible. That's certainly not a reason to universally reject frameworks, of course, because a particular framework may facilitate exactly what you want.]
I can agree on 'tendencies'. That's what 'fuzzy' specifications are all about. But since one cannot make any precisely meaningful statements about what separates 'framework' from 'library', one certainly cannot have rules about 'good' frameworks that don't also apply to 'good' libraries (and 'bad' for 'bad'). Libraries can have the same problems you mention - e.g. making it awkward or impossible for two independently developed libraries to work together. Libraries can be poorly organized, expose the wrong things, hide the wrong things, etc. Libraries, just like frameworks, have the capacity to be 'insidious' - infiltrating one's code under benign guise then latching on, never to let go ('readline', MFC, ncurses, gmp, Boost, and several others come to mind). Good libraries and Good frameworks both will be written to interact with other libraries and frameworks - not necessarily libraries and frameworks dedicated to the exact same niche, but certainly with those in other niches. And, of course, independent languagues essentially exist in independent frameworks. I have a distaste for ExternalDomainSpecificLanguages for a related reason: making several independent languages work together is often more effort than keeping a bunch of precocious brats in line (which is easier said than done). The best partial solution is to force them all to use one runtime. The very best solution is to make them all use one parser/postprocessor set, allowing for sweeping aspect-oriented programming and sweeping optimizations.
Worse, in some cases, you only have a finite selection of behaviors for a given event in various frameworks, in which case you might as well just use an enum (and many do). I'm sorry, but that's not the same thing as "code", in any practical sense, to me. Never has been, and patently never will be. --SamuelFalvo
There are some fairly godawful libraries out there, too. I'd expect you to give fair weight to some of the more flexible frameworks, at least if your opinion is to have the greater level of value it usually deserves. If you're just upset at being forced to use some inflexible "frameworks", I can sympathize.
Absolutely! But this webpage isn't about good-vs-bad libraries. It's a position statement about what many folks would consider a prerequisite to being what you call a good framework. --SamuelFalvo
Which is the same as "a good library." Fundamentally.
I should further point out that I'm not necessarily against the idea of frameworks. However, as the title of this page suggests, a good framework will (or at least should) always rely on a library. The reason is clear -- a framework is a program, specified more or less generically, where you simply flesh out the details of certain operating conditions. There is no harm in re-using whole programs this way. But, it should as transparent as possible; not all frameworks fit all applications or their ideal data models. Use a different framework? Assuming one exists, sure. But how often does that ever occur? Write your own, you say! Great, but I need a library first. Ultimately, exposing the core library on which a framework (or frameworks) depends on can allow you more control over the expressivity of your program, because you don't need to rely on the framework's own set of assumptions about your problem domain. If the basic assumptions of the framework don't match your software's basic assumptions, you're free to override some or even all of the framework, essentially writing your own in the process. See ImmediateModeGui for an example of this concept. --SamuelFalvo
There is nothing about the idea of 'framework' that necessarily makes it a near-complete program on its own - no more so than for any language, language runtime, or library component. Most frameworks exist to make one small part of a program easy to do. The closest I've seen to what you're describing as a 'framework' here is a 'simulation environment' with its own ExternalDomainSpecificLanguage (often graphical), or possibly the trigger-management system in an RDBMS with limited or non-existent ability to communicate to other systems. Such environments are frameworks, certainly, but they severely limit your ability to express your intended actions within the frameworks.
Then you haven't looked hard enough. How about GTK, MFC, etc.? You have to bend over backwards to get a custom socket to be monitored by GTK. GTK automates the main-loop of a typical GUI application. Does it work? Quite well. At the absolute expense of nearly everything else you might want to do in your program. "Use threads!" Unacceptable; POSIX threads are about as easy to use as a VCR is to my grandmother, and significantly complicates the application to boot. Moreover, I distinctly recall GTK not being thread-safe, which means you need to rely on IPC with TheGuiThreadIsMainThread, essentially negating any form of conciseness. "use C++ Boost libraries!" The application doesn't use C++. "You/It should!" Who are you to tell me what to code in? "Then it's your own damn fault!" This is the point when the argument is over, and I've basically won. When people start slinging "it's your own fault" around, you know that they've run out of any other form of viable argument. And, then, what happens when you want to exploit two frameworks in your application, but which are mutually exclusive by nature of their APIs?
Nothing in your rant above is of any relevance to the question of whether 'framework' is necessarily a 'near-complete program on its own'. It is quite clear, however, that no framework IS a complete-program on its own... which leaves me with a conclusion quite opposite yours. And I've not started slinging 'fault' around, no matter what you're projecting - though, if you were trying to use InterCal to write your programs, I'd certainly raise an eyebrow. Use the right tool for the job and all that.
The whole idea of 'InversionOfControl' or "proper flow of control" being some sort of mathematically precise statement is entirely bogus anyway. If you attempt to make it precise, InversionOfControl fails when encountering the 'DataAndCodeAreTheSameThing' issue. Delivering information to be utilized in a 'callback' is fundamentally the same thing as delivering any other sort of data to be utilized in any other sort of call. As such, 'InversionOfControl' is a fuzzy abstraction and describes at best a fuzzy set of systems - those closest to this 'idea' of sending messages in expectation of receiving 'callbacks' 'later' rather than 'sooner'.
- What? No, really, what? This paragraph just makes no sense, even after four readings, and is completely non-sequitur so far as I can tell. --SamuelFalvo
- InversionOfControl is illusory - not real, not meaningful. There is no fundamental difference - i.e. something relevant in the computational theory - between delivering a piece of 'code' to be considered or processed in the light of future 'data' and delivering a piece of 'data' to be considered or processed in the light of future 'code'. The fuzzy distinction we might make between IoC and 'proper flow of control' is much the same AND dependent upon the fuzzy distinction we make between 'code' and 'data' - but DataAndCodeAreTheSameThing. If you attempt to distinguish 'framework' from 'library' based on IoC, you'll inherit this fuzziness. Perhaps your world-view may need some adjusting before this makes sense to you, or maybe you just need to shift perspectives to one of a more computation-theoretic origin rather than your current one (which seems to assume a distinction exists without first proving it). But from where I'm sitting, "framework" and "library" may be some fuzzy distinction you make for your own convenience, but there is no clear line between the two... and there likely never will be.
Arguing that IoC is illusory is obviously not going to hold water to whoever wrote this page, and positively doesn't hold water with me. My mind is already made up on this issue, after dealing with IoC for some 20 years now. IoC has its place, but as the author of this page clearly states, it must not be a substitute for learnability.
And I'm quite positive you're wrong. Further, you're making it quite clear that you're uninterested in truth: your mind is "already made up on this issue" and 'you hate them, you hate them, you hate them' - I can't really expect any sort of rational approach to this from you. And whether IoC is illusory or not is an issue of complete irrelevance to the above objection regarding 'FrameworksShouldAutomateNotHide' (which happens to apply whether IoC is there or not). So it doesn't need to hold water with whoever wrote this page, and it was rather pointless of you to bring it up in the first place without first identifying a dependency on what you call 'proper flow of control'. And, sure, a framework shouldn't substitute for understanding... even I agree with that.
When you go through school, you learn the basics first, then you learn the shortcuts/higher-level tricks of, well, whatever. When it comes to automotive repair, you start out doing the simple things (oil changes) before working on the complex (engine rebuilds). When learning to use a framework, why should it be any different?
FalseAnalogy. When it comes to using automobiles, you start out doing the simple things (like driving) before working on the complex (Tokyo drift). When learning to use a framework, why should it be any different? And 'automotive repair' is a horrible analogy - you're not 'repairing' the framework, and thus you don't need to know its internals. 'Understanding' of how your car works, though, would be of great importance in figuring out the limits you can push it to when using it.
Moreover, why should any framework go to such lengths to hide its operations? Information hiding and abstractions are good things, but sometimes, sometimes, you really need to know what's going on, and/or how to overcome an inherent problem.
Encapsulation. Not framework specific. Change. Not framework specific. Optimization. Not framework specific. Portability. Certainly not framework specific. - I'll agree: these are "Not framework specific." These issues just happen to apply to a whole variety of computation systems in which one goes about expressing intent to action or effect, including but not limited to libraries, frameworks, AND language design. Logically, these apply to frameworks and thus constitute a proper and correct answer as to "why should any framework go to such lengths to hide its operations". That it happens to be the same as the answer to "why should any computation component go to such lengths to hide its operations" makes it no less a valid answer.
Did you not read the above objection to 'FrameworksShouldAutomateNotHide' - you know? the one with several paragraphs explaining exactly "why should any framework go to such lengths to hide its operations?" Or did you just see a page on what could make frameworks 'good' and start ranting?
I read the whole page. And, apparently, you actively chose not to understand very much of it.
I think we must agree to disagree on this issue, and just let it go.
Perhaps we shall.
Re: since one cannot make any precisely meaningful statements about what separates "framework" from "library"
A library is a collection of lightly-related or unrelated utilities. A framework is a series of utilities meant to be used together. Library utilities stand on their own more or less, while framework utilities would mostly seem out-of-place by themselves. Although, I agree there are things that straddle both definitions.
This should be obvious, but if the most precise statement you can make to distinguish "framework" from "library" is that they sit on either side of a vague, poorly defined line between 'loosely related' and 'meant to be used together',and that sometimes they straddle this line... well... I think you can see where I'm going.
Anyhow, I'd disagree: even individual libraries are components that can, should, and generally do adhere to some degree to the principles of CouplingAndCohesion - i.e. the components (the values, the procedures, the structures) are meant to work together. Language standard libraries aren't very cohesive only because they carry anything and everything the language-designer believes a programmer should have available when staring at a blank page. But most other libraries I've seen are at least moderately cohesive (well... at least those without a bunch of cruft that has built up and never been removed over time).
Frameworks tend to assume somewhat arbitrary conventions and data structures that are used to communicate and coordinate between the items. If you took out a framework item and stuck it in a library without the context of the rest of the framework, then it would like somebody made up a goofy interface for the hell of it.
As far as a precise definition to clearly separate the two concepts, I doubt one exists. Framework-ness is a continuous concept. The more the components depend on each other and assume a certain "culture" for doing things, the more "frameworky" they are.
See also: HelpersInsteadOfWrappers
See also: ProgrammingWithoutRamDiskDichotomy (contains a related discussion e.g. whether transparent persistence should also abstract control of the storage)
CategoryAbstraction, CategoryFramework