The crux of my (BillSeitz) preference for WordsSmashedTogetherLikeSo over the FreeLink approach to AutomaticLinkGeneration in a WiKi is that I believe it increases the "bushiness" of the space.
In 1997 LeoEgghe (LEgghe) wrote an article on the "FractalAndInformetricAspectsOfHypertextSystems"."fractal+and+informetric+aspects+of+hypertext+systems"#q="fractal+and+informetric+aspects+of+hypertext+systems"&safe=off
In the paper he defines the FractalDimension of a HyperText based on the number of (internal) links it includes:
- let `n` denote the total number of pages, and
- `m` the average number of "HLs" (hypertext links) per page
- I'm pretty sure that that count should be only
- count only explicit WikiName references, not automatic BackLinks.
- unique cases of a link on a given page (so if a `Page A` has 3 separate links to `Page B` in it (which happens in a wiki when you use the same WikiName multiple times in a page), then it should only count as 1 for that page)
- links to pages that actually already exist (vs the WiKi case of a link to create-a-page-with-that-name)
- the fractal dimension `D = ln(n) / [ln(n) + ln((1+m) / m)]`
- PyThon: `fractal_dimension = log(num_pages)/(log(num_pages) + log((1 + avg_frontlinks) / avg_frontlinks))`
Examples at: