Four Single Quotes

last modified: March 31, 2008

This is an example of 'FourSingleQuotes' -- Pretty nasty, as you can see. Wiki parses FourSingleQuotes as:

ThreeSingleQuotes + "'" + "text" + ThreeSingleQuotes + "'"

As a result, the first printed single quote is shown with strong emphasis and the last printed single quote is shown as normal text.

If you want to concatenate two words without creating a WikiName, better use SixSingleQuotes (see there for a reason why). To provide moderate emphasis for a word or phrase, use TwoSingleQuotes and to provide strong emphasis use ThreeSingleQuotes or FiveSingleQuotes.

See also: TwoSingleQuotes, ThreeSingleQuotes, FiveSingleQuotes, SixSingleQuotes

