Forgetting Curve

last modified: June 23, 2013

ForgettingCurve, a term coined by OliBye to describe the experience of getting used to VisualAge, and later SmallTalk, and so forgetting about source files. -- SteveFreeman

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. I can't re-adjust properly to the JavaLanguage source code / subdirectory game. I thought I was merely going mad; it's nice to see enough other people have experienced it to give it a name. ... the name should probably end with "... syndrome", though, as in "post-... syndrome". -- AlistairCockburn

The term ForgettingCurve immediately made sense to me, but in a different way: some things are hard to learn (steep learning curve), but once you gain a deeper understanding, easy to remember (e.g. some aspects of CeePlusPlus); others are just as hard to learn, but more easily forgotten, because they are more arbitrary (AccidentalComplexity). -- FalkBruegmann

Like EmacsEditor (much as I love it) key combinations? -- SF

I'd forgotten about this -- OliBye
