Fast Cgi

last modified: December 10, 2010

FastCgi [] is basically an extension of CGI so that the process (external to the main web server) can serve more than a single page, so that the process creation overhead (and latency) are amortized over a large number of connections. The need to create a new process for every single request is a serious limitation on the scalability of CGI. See also the discussion in RunScriptAsDaemon.

(2Apr2000) In the grand march forward, FastCgi seems to fallen by the wayside. Various in-process options (ASP, mod_perl, mod_jserv, php) are getting most of the press these days.

Actually I believe ZopeApplicationServer will support FastCgi. But it supports other variations on the theme too.

28 Nov 2002: FastCGI is alive and kicking. Support for Apache 2 is slow in coming, but the mailing list is fairly active (31 msgs in Nov., 81 in Oct., 55 in Sept.). -- TerrelShumway

I wouldn't be surprised if FastCGI's popularity has picked up again, thanks to frameworks like RubyOnRails supporting it out of the box.

I think part of the reason FastCgi doesn't get enough press or isn't as popular, is because:

--Lars Olson

SCGI ( is an alternative that is supposed to be easier to implement. -- TerrelShumway

WSGI (WebServerGatewayInterface) is an interface between a WebServer and a WebFramework for PythonLanguage. Used by DjangoProject and Pylons, among many others. -- RobertField
