Ez Publish

last modified: May 27, 2004

EzPublish is a web based application suite. It delivers functionality ranging from publishing of news, web logs and diaries, through web shop functionality like shopping carts and wishlists and forums to intranet functions like contact handling and bug reporting.

See http://developer.ez.no/ It is written in PhpLanguage.

Version 3.0 was released March 2003 and is a massive re-factoring with code emphasis on layering, design patterns etc as well as a fascinating approach to handling content with "Content classes" and "Content objects", both of which are stored in the eZ publish database. That makes it possible to create new elements for publishing on a site (e.g. FAQs, Articles, Cars etc.) without any programming. There's also a related data typing system which allows definition of web related data types, e.g. an email address or an ISBN number. There's even support for workflows using a "trigger system" (observer pattern). Despite what you'd think, it's also a lot faster than version 2.x.

Otherwise, from a web designer perspective, it's a lot easier to customize the look and feel now. This is real competition to tools like Vignette and given it costs $0...

Really annoys me when things are called EzWhatever because in the UK that's pronounced E Zed

Be sure to benchmark this one with real data - 2.x can be extremely slow. The admin interface can generate a couple thousand queries per page request.

Is there any tutorial for this? I downloaded it and could not make it take dynamic RSS news feeds on the Home Page.
