A two day seminar: http://www.yourdon.com/seminars/XPM.HTML
One viewpoint : Dysfunctional Project Management
Book -- DeathMarch ISBN: 0130146595 -Ed Yourdon adopts the "X" word: ("eXtreme") Ed Yourdon's approach to projects with Extreme requirements, Extreme management practices. Claims to be compatible with ExtremeProgramming.
Death march projects are described as being common - The symptoms:
The project schedule, budget, and staff are about half of what is necessary for completion.
The planned feature set is unrealistic.
People are working 14 hours a day, six or seven days a week.
Stress is an occupational hazard.
As a result the project has a high risk of failure.
Management seems blind to the situation or has no alternative.
Q: Are there any Functional examples of Project Management?
Q; Is "Management" not part of the Extreme Vocabulary?
There are several tools that support ExtremeProjectManagement
- VersionOne - commercial
- TargetProcess - free and quite cool
- Rally - commercial and very good