Extreme Orchestration

last modified: June 27, 2006

Page (last changed 2001 without useful backlinks) retargeted for material related to making ServiceOrientedArchitecture work. -- dl

Temporary material parked here

WebServicesDiscussions - time to reopen the book?

It appears to me I have landed on a goldmine, in the form of a GridComputing approach to implementing ServiceOrientedArchitecture. Most of the material appear to be UK based initiatives and have reference implementations that is more JavaPlatform oriented. However in some architectural papers I have also seen DonBox influence. So maybe there is hope yet for JavaAndDotNet working together.


GRIA services at http://www.gria.org/architecture.html

Primer on Open Grid Service Infrastructure (OGSI) (75 pages) published Mar04 at http://www.ggf.org/Meetings/GGF11/Documents/OGSI_Primer_Final.pdf

ZapThink pondering on "Why is SOA taking so long". See http://searchwebservices.techtarget.com/tip/1,289483,sid26_gci1132084,00.html

TrustedConnection makes ExtremeOrchestration extreme

WebServices SecureConversation and links to WebServicesSecurity, views from IBM Tony Nadalin in Sep04, at http://searchwebservices.techtarget.com/qna/0,289202,sid26_gci1006272,00.html

