Extreme Competition

last modified: June 5, 2008

Extreme Competition by Peter Fingar

ISBN: 092965238X

From Review by BradAppleton at http://www.agilejournal.com/content/view/247/46/ :

"This book tries to explain what the effects of Friedman's "flattened global economy" mean for our industry and how that all adds up to extreme competition and innovation engineering, with extreme globalization and extreme mass-supply chains making it possible for even the small shops to compete. And, the three billion new capitalists from the emerging markets in China, India and the former Soviet Union are ready to take advantage of them.

"So, what strikes fear in the hearts of business leaders these days? Globalization and Commoditization. We are not on the brink of a new world economic order, we've already crossed that threshold."


The Five Transformers:

  1. Knowledge is Business Capital
  2. The Internet
  3. Jumbo Transportation
  4. Three Billion New Capitalists
  5. The New IT

I must say, the name 'ExtremeCompetition' just seems wrong. My own first association was 'ExtremePaintbrawl' -- one of the worst video-games ever made. --Unknown

Well - that's certainly one opinion. Lots of others seem to disagree. And many more seem to think the majority of ideas and concerns raised in the book are legitimate even if you don't agree with the author as to the inevitable outcome he portrays if action isnt taken to reverse it. So either way, looks to be a pretty important set of things to understand and develop an appreciation for.

