Describe ExtremeBenefits here. Shouldn't this page be somewhere?
The main benefit seems to me is that if FrequentReleases really pans out like it's supposed to, the RevenueStream for the software gets started right away. That is there is an incoming revenue stream associated with the working software concurrent with the ongoing cost of development
nah. changed my mind. I now disagree with this...
CrystalClearMethodology is more focused on incremental benefit than XP. It actually presents properties to be achieved as inventive problems.
This strikes me as more open methodology than XP.
ditto. I'd rather do XP
I am a newbie to XP. Find it very interesting although I have not seen it practically. Will continue to learn more!
Seems to me having to explain all the benefits of something to an otherwise brilliant technical guy is an absurd position to be in. A brilliant technical guy can still be of a conservative mindset, and still require to know the benefits up front before trying something different.
This page tells me "XP is awesome but we have no idea why."
I love XP! Wooo
Woo is right.