'InThe WikiModel" used on this wiki, the title of each page works as a BackLink. Clicking on the title of any page finds all the pages referring to that page. It works for any wiki page. E.g. to find all pages that link to this'' page, click the title at the top of this page.
- Number and Levels of Linkages
- On other Wikis, clicking of an ExtendedLink Logo causes the WikiEngine to locate all the links to and those in reverse BackLink with a minimum of 2 each. When a wiki is so configured to recognize ExtendedLinks, with the level of linkages extended further to 3, 4, and perhaps 5. The display of the linkages could also be displayed via ConnectedGraph. This kind of linking may prove to be Useful depending when your purpose of use of page information goes beyond the reading of its text and concerns itself with how the page relates to other pages or sites.
Other kinds of links: