This is my means to avoid EditWars and saving my energy when cleaning up vandal attacks.
I will edit/correct/fix/undelete some attack on a page immediately. If it is repeated, I will wait a short time and clean up again, and so on, delaying by the next higher unit (second, minute, day, week) each time (roughly).
This has quite some advantages:
- It saves my energy (O(1) cost per attack, 1+1/2+1/4+...=2).
- It allows other WikiGnomes to fix it without getting in the way of each other too often.
- Assuming that the vandal is less dedicated to this wiki than I, I will undo his changes when he has left.
- If the vandal is dedicated, he has to look continuously for changes, whereas I have to do so seldom (O(n) cost for the vandal).
- I have time to reconsider my fix, whether it was warranted, what other WikiZens do about it.
Has anyone implemented ExponentialBackoffEditing in code for their wiki? This has the advantage of inhibiting EditWars and uncontrolled ThreadMode back-and-forths, but might also inhibit contributions from people who tend to immediately follow their posts with several MinorEdit corrections.
CategoryWikiMaintenance CategoryWikiEditing