Ergonomic Keyboard Wish List

last modified: November 20, 2004

It's simple, really. I want a keyboard that is:

  1. Easier to use than a standard keyboard.
  2. Relieves or eliminates the repetitive stress that causes RepetitiveStressInjury.

Here's my unprioritized list:

Discussion about List

Spread the work. Reduce complexity. Two-handed keyboards let me push one button almost directly under the fingers for each letter. One-handed keyboards have either the same number of keys (must move the hand back and forth more)(Left Handed DvorakKeyboard) or some complicated shifting/chording scheme (must press multiple buttons per letter)(HalfQwerty, The twiddler from HandyKey). That means you're doing more work per letter than a two-handed keyboard.

Another Set of Ideas

I have a very clear idea of the keyboard I'd like to make someday. (I say "make", because I have no real hope of finding one anywhere.) One of the key criteria is that I don't need to lift my wrists -- no more reaching up to the function keys above the main section. I picture a main typing section (QWERTY or Dvorak, doesn't really matter) with a keypad on each side. So each hand has two positions available -- in the center for typing letters and to the side for numbers, functions, control keys, etc. Obviously, some design work would have to go into the question of which keys/functions go into which side, but that can wait until the the possibility of realizing this idea becomes imminent.

how to diminish the stress of an output device ?

Keyboards are tool-centric devices. The light glove is going in the right direction of an user centric personal and universal output device of my brain towards the rest of the world.

Then, we may dream that somebody will provide us with a code powerful enough (26? 102? 256? values ) which can be produced with minimal movements and efforts of the quickest part of our physical body. It should be small and personally wearable like watches, spectacles or phones. With smart predictive software, it will double or more my best physical speed: i.e., 8 cps (I am not a virtuoso with 12/15 cps capability) will provide 16 words per second (two hands). I bet that it will be available very soon.

See also ErgonomicKeyboard

CategoryWishList CategoryKeyboard
