Founded by SteveJobs and SteveWozniak in 1976. Company name changed to Apple Inc. in 2007.
Apple was the first great personal computer company. By the time I got there, TshirtPolitics had been replaced by the real thing. I worked on an aborted MacSmalltalk project and at the VivariumProject. -- KentBeck
Apple also made SqueakSmalltalk, which still exists.
Famously made and sold the AppleIi, AppleMacintosh, PowerBook, AppleIpod, AppleIphone, and AppleIpad. The latter three literally ran with absolutely no respectable competition during the entire 2000 decade, and their supremacy started shaking only when South Korean megacorp Samsung managed to put out respectivly their Galaxy Player, Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note II in 2012. After this point there have been many arguments about which one is better.
Some believe that AppleIsaCult, controlled by guru SteveJobs using his RealityDistortionField.
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WhatIsAppleThinking? Jun05 Switching to Intel See GartnerInc note at
Somebody decided to say: ...the AppleMacintosh, the first popular home personal computer.
The AppleIi was pretty popular. I'd say either the AppleIi or the CommodoreSixtyFour was the first popular machine, not the AppleMacintosh.
I would say that the Apple II was the first personal computer. The Commodore 64 was great. I loved coding little games using the sprites and sound chip using the Microsoft BASIC in ROM. I also had a job in a group using C64s to build robot brains, which it was pretty good for. Commodore narrowly missed making the C64 into a personal computer. I don't consider the C64 a personal computer because of how hard it was to run 'real' applications (WP, spreadsheets) as well as software development tools. The 64 never caught up to the other 8 bit PCs before everybody went to 16 and 32 bit CPUs. -- DavidVincent
I find this statement laughable, considering the 64 was the single biggest selling home computer up until only relatively recently. It was used for a wide assortment of different applications, productivity included. Games were its largest forte of course, much to Atari's utter consternation. Indeed, GEOS actually artificially extended the 64's lifespan well after Commodore themselves wanted to pull the plug on the machine! No, it was the other 8-bit computers who couldn't come close to the 64. Apple was expandable via slots, but otherwise had nothing much going for it (horrible graphics, nearly nonexistant audio, horrifyingly buggy user interfaces). Atari had a superior multimedia architecture and core operating system (indeed, it was THE prototype for the CommodoreAmiga) and a faster CPU, but that didn't help it. The IBM PCjr. was, well, overpriced and under-spec'ed in every way imaginable: it was a direct repeat of the user-hostile TI/99-4A before it.
If anything, it was the IBM PC/AT (not the PC, PCjr, and definitely not the PC/XT) that really was the first popular home computer; although never overtly designed to be so, it was precisely its design that made it so. --Samuel A. Falvo II
It was the Apple II. I think that personal computers were really just a fad for nerds before the apple II. --Kelton Kostis
Nonsense, all. It was the MITS Altair.
Altair was the 1st microcomputer. Personal computer implies an ease of setup/use that the Altair did not have.
You ever set up an Apple II? The difference between that and the CP/M based Altair arguably fell in favour of the Altair. What the Apple II had, though, was colour graphics that appealed to a home market more than the more business-oriented Altair.
Color graphics appealing to persons